I won!!!
What did I win again??? Oh right. Apparently I entered a photo contest a couple of months ago, and now they want to put my picture into a book! How neato. And, if my picture makes it into the "finals" I could win, $1000, or even $10,000! Does anyone else think this is a scam? I don't know what to think. Although I must agree, it is a pretty sweet picture, no? (Sunset photo on bottom). They also sent me an email saying they wanted to give me this pin, for winning the "Editors Choice Award", for $20. What?? I thought that when you win something, they give you stuff, not make you pay for it. Lame.
7:44 PM
But yippee if it works out to be a real win!
:) top
6:34 PM
i think your pictures are good and worthy of praise...
anytime someone says you win, but you have to send money i would be very hesitant. DONT give any banking info at all... you just never know.
i hope i didn't rain on your day to much...
and boy do i sound like a mom :) top