Its Crunchtime again...
And no I don't mean that we are all going to eat Cap'n Crunch, even though that is an AWESOME cereal. I mean that pretty soon in the next week I have a LOT of homework to do. I wont bore you with the details but I know itll be busy. And sadly, a little more Kyle-free than most of my weeks. :( Poor me, I know.
I got 90 on my Nursing Exam which I wrote last week, which is pretty sweet. Seeing as I did REALLY bad on the last one. Im eager to see what kind of grades I will end up with in December. My non-nursing classes I am doing very well in, but the nursing ones are trickier. And, you have to have a GPA of at least 2.5 in those classes in order to continue. Which isnt that difficult, because that is only a 75%, but still. Im sure I will pass and all that good stuff.
Anything else new in my life? Lets see, I went to a choir concert last Friday. The choir that Kyle, Kevin, Mike, Alissa and Brian are in was singing and they were fantastic. Kyle also did a solo with another choir that was there, and he did great! Singing in front of about 400 people...Good Job Kyle!!
Christmas is coming up quick! I don't really know what I want for Christmas. I know of a couple things...such as a teapot (for making tea, of course) and an iPod, clothes, and chocolate. These are all just ideas.
NEXT WEEK Alissa and I are going to see Annie the Musical!!! Im excited! That was her birthday present from me. Itll be cool. Heres hoping I can book it off work.
Well everyone, I better get goin. I have to go to work soon and I was actually supposed to get some homework done today....oops.
Well everyone, I better get goin. I have to go to work soon and I was actually supposed to get some homework done today....oops.

11:16 AM
Thanks! Yeah, I am at the college, and it is pretty busy. Although I wouldnt be half as busy if I knew how to manage my time effectively. (Read: actually do my homework before it is due) Classes are done on the 12th, though, and my last exam is potentially the 19th! Which means I have about 3 weeks off before next semester :D top