A Smashing Success
A Smashing Success
Well, the party has come and gone. And I must say, it went over very well. Amazing food was devoured, and copious amounts of chocolate were eaten by all. It was very good. Almost everyone showed up, even Mike who was extremely ill and had no voice. The only thing that did not go over well was the sketchy "hot buttered rum" which was indeed all those three things but in spite of that still didn't taste very good. It was OK when doctored up with ice cream. But then again, what isn't? I made my Aunt Shannon's famous vodka slush, and it was AMAZING. So yummy. Here finally are some pictures of the baking I did:
These cookies kind of look like lumps of poo with neon icing. They are indeed Homemade Oreos with Mint Icing instead of regular, and tasted very good.
These are Chocolate Almond Thins, also very tasty.
And my personal favorite...Coconut Pecan Bars. Mmm soo good. Chocolatey and chewy and SO yummy. Yay for parties! Thanks for coming everyone.
10:29 AM
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5:13 PM
joyce_vandyk@hotmail.com top